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Sex is power, and Waseem, a Syrian gay-for-pay hustler seeking asylum in Cologne, wields it like a shield. Keeping his johns at an emotional arm’s length while satisfying their most carnal desires in order to eke out a living, he meets his match in Lars: a kind, affluent professional with a growing personal interest in Waseem. This gripping tale of transactional identity explores the tactical exchange of trust and intimacy in a partnership, and the divisions between immigrants and their host countries in contemporary Europe.
Genre: Drama
Actor: Renato Schuch , Nikolaus Benda , Jogi Kaiser , Georg Paluza , Timur lker , Cem Aydin , Gioele Viola
Director: Kai Kreuser
Writer: Kai Kreuser
Country: Germany
Release: 2019-01-15
Duration: 60 Min
Quality: HD
Rating: 0
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